Monday, May 9, 2011

First Week as a Mother of 4

A week can make a huge difference - for the first half of the week Charlotte was feeding almost ALL night and then something changed (I suspect my milk being in!!) and now the night's are sane. Each night improving and last night being the best... she slept 7.30-10pm and then from 12-5am and back in bed soon after 6am...which is where she is as I type... and I'm showered and dressed (can I do a happy dance?)
I'm still pretty sore when she latches on for a feed but oh soooo much better than earlier in the week when damage could be SEEN.

Meals are 'coming together' and 2 have been provided by church family - which was enough for 3 dinners. I cook when I can manage it and save the 'heat n eat' ones for the days when me cooking a meal is just not going to happen. Yesterday, Mother's Day, Pete cooked the most awesome roast... I'm thinking a new weekly tradition could be in store?!?!

What's driving me most nuts and wearing me out at the moment is the NOISE... 3 older children that have very little of my attention for the time being, seem to take up so much more HEAD SPACE. As of yesterday though I've been able to pin my extra stress on that and am now thinking through the plan to restore sanity!

I NEED quiet time while I am awake, not just so I can nap.
I NEED to be up early in to the morning to get the children off to a productive start for the day vs a dvd start to the day.
I NEED to know what activities I can put in front of them or direct them to.
I NEED to have a loose daily schedule/plan for everyone.
I NEED to make a list of what they can do to help around the house when I'm unavailable and they are at a loose end.
I NEED to get them out of the house a couple of times a week, for their sanity!

and specifically, I need to figure out a quiet time hobby for Nathaniel - 7.5yo. I'm thinking an electronics kit of some sort might be the go? Melinda has latch hook and will move onto cross stitch etc and while I want my boys to be able to do basic sewing, now is not the time for me to teach him.

For those of you that have boys, what 'quiet, sitting still' hobbies do your boys have?



  1. Can't help you with any boys hobbies but your life sounds loud and busy! Here's hoping you can get some quiet time for yourself.....!

  2. I'd imagine it would all be quite a change! We have 3 but only 2 in the house -- but that number could increase in the near future. :)

  3. My son is 8, almost 9. For quiet "just leave mommy alone for a bit" activities... he has books, little army men, painting, and I include "go outside for a while" as a break for me too. He really loves reading though, as long as I can keep enough decent books on a "too read list".
