This year's Father/Son camp, the weekend before last, was a roaring success... until about half an hour before lunch. Less than 2 hours before returning home Pete injured his knee in a game of soccer and hasn't been able to walk since!
Thankfully due to another couple of dad's car-pooling, there was a spare driver available to get our car load of boys back home - very blessed!
The impact on life has been HUGE - look after your knees!
Because Pete can't walk without crutches, there is next to nothing he CAN do. A bit of ironing sitting down or feeding Charlotte but that's about it. Everything he needs to do for himself takes 2-3 times longer. He needs to spend 45 minutes a day doing exercises for his leg.
I have been doing most of his driving. An extra 10 hours of driving a week. Plus taking him to physio appointments. Plus a few hours extra of home tasks that he does. Other tasks are just not getting done because my time won't stretch any further and he can't do them. And what *I* can do with a 7mo baby belly is limited too! There is much to be done by way of moving furniture, heavy furniture, before bubs arrives. That just has to wait at the moment while we HOPE he'll be fully functioning way before our time for that is up!
Today is the first day I haven't driven him to work because he's driven himself. He may not be able to walk but is now ready to drive. The problem is his leg gives way any time it needs to be straight - driving doesn't need this and after a couple of days of doing test drives around the block with sudden braking thrown in to really test it, he headed off this morning BY HIMSELF - yes, I asked him to call me once he safely arrived!!
Even today I think sanity might be returning, not having spent the hour taking him. If he continues being okay to drive to work and back, life will be much better even though still crazy. I'll still need to do our milk collection - crutches and a 10L bucket of milk, anyone? and also Boys Brigade, Girl's Brigade & Piano and a wide variety of extra home tasks... but at the moment, I'll take whatever I can!
This too shall pass - and I am sooo looking forward to when that time shall be.