Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Finding Our Rhythm

At last we seem to be finding our rhythm. The schedule has been tweaked accordingly!

I've found that if we don't start the day with bible/prayer and some form of PE then there is not enough focus in our bookwork. Or anything else for that matter.

I love it when I learn things like this!

Today this looks like:
-basic housework
-PE games (10-15min)
-Bible and prayer (30min)
then we have friends coming for a couple of hours and bookwork will happen when they leave.

The PE activities grabs and channels their focus, I then put it to use for the most important thing, our family worship time of bible and prayer.

The whole day, house, family etc seems to function much much better when I run the day like this. I'll be deliberately aiming for this each day now and I'm looking forward to the continued benefits


  1. Totally understand what you mean! Love starting the day with bible devotions and memory verse! xxx

  2. Sounds like a great routine Narelle!
